Unconventional Movie Blogs

Find these thoughtful and well written movie reviews and learn more about (click now to visit the sites) the most recent movies.Breaking Film Industry NewsMovie ReviewsMandy Movie ReviewCharles Band's Puppet MasterDecker Shado Skinned Deep (2004) reviewKamen Rider The NextUber Jason and other space horror filmsMulberry Street

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Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review

Why am I doing this? Everyone already knows I'm not a huge Power Rangers fan, I don't really get something horror movie out of hating the Power Rangers, so why, Creepy? Why do you torment me with these crossovers? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! Because I certainly wasn't.Source: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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We reviewed Cavment (Shelley Long)

"Caveman" is a 1981 comedy film directed by Carl Gottlieb and starring Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid, and Shelley Long. The film is a comical retelling of the story of early human civilization, embeded in a time when people resided in caves and depend on hunting and gathering for survival. The movie follows the story of Atouk (Ringo Starr), an awkwa

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I can help you disconnect for a few hours from the outside world while you watch an animated movie.online movie sites80s moviesBlood BathHubble Telescope MoviesJuliet's Lace.Little Miss ZombieScience Fiction Horror Films ArchiveToxic terrorists with terrible tendencies

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